First ever Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA AGM : 130 years ago today
The Sheffield Football Association is England’s oldest county FA and formed in January 1867 -over 151 years ago. In 1877 a competing organisation was formed called the Sheffield New Football Association -it would change its name in 1881 to the Hallamshire Football Association and by the
1880/81 season it had more clubs than the Sheffield Football Association. This situation persisted until the end of the
1886/87 season when a merger of the two Associations was negotiated by Charles Clegg when the Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA was born. The organisation’s first A.G.M. was held 130 years ago today on the 4th September 1888. I was very lucky to be allowed into Clegg House to look at the archive and this image records the event.

I discuss the history of the two associations in my book ‘ A History of Sheffield Football 1857-1889: Speed, Science and Bottom’ which is available to purchase at: